Creating from a place of rest

As you might have noticed, the frequency and nature of my postings has changed quite a bit over the last few days. On Instagram, I’ll sometimes go months without sharing anything. On Facebook, I’ll share an article that confirms a perspective that I’m surprised to find out is violently opposed by so many. While taking so long to post anything and/or posting other people’s content are not my ideal, sometimes the rhythms and tides of my daily life sweep me away from the projects and practices that are most important to me. I can tend to get lost scrolling for hours and not realize it. Or I’ll spend an extended amount of time opening internet tabs of various job postings that I might be able to do, and only end up submitting my name and resume to the applications that require the least amount of up-front work. Later, I’ll compensate by stretches of manic “diligence” where I forget to eat, barely sleep, and don’t interact with those around me. By then, at least one of the gigs I was most excited about has been filled. So it goes.
Rest and I aren’t often well acquainted, which is problematic as a creative being. I’ve read that one universal trait among the greatest minds throughout human history is intentional periods of respite. Albert Einstein, for one, came up with the theory of relativity while soaking in the bathtub. In his book, The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle attributes this reality to the mind not being the true creative force of our beings, but rather it’s the space in between, beneath, and around our mental chatter where our unshakable identity exists and from which true innovation springs forth. When our mind is at rest and we are not creating a false identity of our thoughts and emotions, we relax into the infinite expanse of our consciousness, breathe deeply, and access our fuller potential.
I’ve inadvertently tested this theory countless of times in my life. When I push hard and headfirst, I struggle and writhe. When I create from a place of rest, take my brain out of the equation and let my soul do the work, my vision clears, my muscles release, and my voice rings true.
This picture was taken at Smith Mountain Lake on the dock outside a house where my dear friend @420chocolatejuice was laying down tracks for his album (another gnarly story for another day) with an ensemble of other mega-talented artist friends: @silentbetti, @jlloydharmon, @lostframez, and @carsontcody. Witnessing their level of dedication, aesthetic agility, honed skill, raw talent, and genuine LEVITY put me in a place of shock and admiration that I still refer to in my own mind when aiming to stoke the flames of my own growth and diligence. But gently. With compassion for my place on the path.
I know there is greatness in me because I know there is greatness in all of us. We are capable of so much more than we give ourselves the credit and rest in order to attain. Let’s do this shit. Who’s down to chill the fuck out and make some serious moves in between naps and cuddles, all the while with smiles on our faces and tears in our eyes?

My name is Marcelo Asher Quarantotto.
I WRITE WITH WORDS, PHOTOS, VIDEOS, WEBSITES AND MUSIC.I am a father of three beautiful daughters and husband to the most gracious, saintly creature I've ever met. (You'll find pictures of them here from time to time.) I am also a multidisciplinary storyteller.