Feel'd Notes: Art & Exposure

To make art — and I mean art, not advertisements or pop jingles ... something from the soul — is to expose one’s self. Yes, to others, but perhaps the scariest part is turning over the stones of memories, ideas, and emotions and revealing them to yourself.
Not for vanity. Not for glory. Not for riches. But for healing and for truth. Rend your clothes, the layers of little lies you whisper to yourself, see yourself as you are, and re-spin the threads. Weave them into the fabric of your life, your creative force. You don’t need a pattern to follow other than the rhythmic thud of your own blood. Let it ring in your ears as you submerge yourself into the murky depths of your process, no matter how ramshackle, and take rest while basking on the surface of your infinite, growing awareness.

My name is Marcelo Asher Quarantotto.
I WRITE WITH WORDS, PHOTOS, VIDEOS, WEBSITES AND MUSIC.I am a father of three beautiful daughters and husband to the most gracious, saintly creature I've ever met. (You'll find pictures of them here from time to time.) I am also a multidisciplinary storyteller.