First attempt at filming: Lucas Quarantotto — "Future Daughter"

This past winter, I wanted to try a new medium: DSLR videography. I have been able to tinker with this more in recent months, but here is video one of two of my first attempt.
This was shot in the gymnasium of the Keep Colony (a venue called Colony Live), on a very cold night. I finally started messing around with Premiere Pro this week, so I took some time to upload this to YouTube.
So here it is. My younger brother Lucas Quarantotto (we play in a band together, along with our older brother and another friend) practicing one of his originals, shot on a Canon 5D Mark II.
And now, here's is what the venue space looks like in full swing. Video by @fosteraddington.
Colony Live Promo from DuckDuck Collective on Vimeo.

My name is Marcelo Asher Quarantotto.
I WRITE WITH WORDS, PHOTOS, VIDEOS, WEBSITES AND MUSIC.I am a father of three beautiful daughters and husband to the most gracious, saintly creature I've ever met. (You'll find pictures of them here from time to time.) I am also a multidisciplinary storyteller.