Poetry: Social Change
Social Change
Twitter turned you
Into an asshole —
Oh how you've strayed
From the wall
And ran in full embrace,
Laughing at many
Usually because you were
Not the first one there.
At least you were
The first to scoff --
To take a bat to the feeder.
And now, bullshit like this
Can contain meaning:
"#2012: #totes #trending #hard
#yolo -- #ItsReallyAnnoying #WonderHow
#thissummer #RaiseYourHandIf #socialgood
#giveup #fairtrade #chocolate (#lent)
#ThreeWordsToLiveBy: #occupy #swag #winning."
#I'mProudToSay #IDontKnowWhy

Marcelo A. Quarantotto
My name is Marcelo Asher Quarantotto.
I WRITE WITH WORDS, PHOTOS, VIDEOS, WEBSITES AND MUSIC.I am a father of three beautiful daughters and husband to the most gracious, saintly creature I've ever met. (You'll find pictures of them here from time to time.) I am also a multidisciplinary storyteller.